Installation and Setup


Developers might also need Sphinx to maintain and update the docs.


Install into your python path using pip or easy_install:

pip install django-dynamo

If you are feeling adventurous you can get the lates code from Bitbucket


Now, you just need to add ‘dynamo’ to your installed apps:

 # other apps

And you are all set and ready to go!

Sample Project

Dynamo also comes with a built-in working sample project, that you can easily use to play around. To setup this project, download the source from Bitbucket into your target directory and run:

This will create a virtualenv, install all dependencies, and create a customized manage script in your root (Attention: this manage script is just a helper that calls the “normal” command). So to start the project, just do:

manage syncdb

to create and sync the database. And then run:

manage runserver

to start the server. Now you can open the browser, log into the admin and create your MetaModels and MetaFields.